Group Parter: Maria Luiza Gomes Torres
Master of Architecture in Emergent Technologies and Design
Architectural Association School of Architecture
The predominant aim of the design and technology project was to bring together two individuals from different bootcamp groups, and merge their learnings and observations from their previous projects into a more advanced and streamlined project. By combining aspects of diagrid surfaces with math surfaces and utilising plywood as our material, we aimed to push the boundaries of our analysis in order to achieve a more refined global and local geometry.
The study also focuses on the materiality and behaviours of the overall model once it has been scaled up to fit a 1m x 1m x 1m bounding box. Physical tests will be conducted as well as karmaba analysis to assess the form. Fabrication and joinery will need to be reconsidered in order to make the process as seamless and time efficient as possible.
A paper model, a partial kerfed plywood model and a final plywood model were produced. Each of these models differed in their overall geometries from each other and they were also not reflecting the digital model.